The other day, I imagined designing a t-shirt with the slogan:
‘I am not explaining myself’
When I imagine walking down the street and people ask me what my t-shirt means, I will respond back with no words, instead opting for an interpretative dance, inspired by wherever my mood takes me, in that moment.
This is a world in which I allow my primal, animal body to move and express itself, in ways that I don’t need to explain, don’t need to narrate, don’t need to justify, analyse or question, as to why it’s happening.
It just is.
It’s a space of allowing myself to just be.
Just as I am.
A place of simplicity.
Freedom to be myself or even more’s my non-self…. my primal-bodied self.
Releasing the pressure we put on ourselves to have an answer, to be clear, and to know what’s next.
This is my love note, to the primal body - expression beyond words. It’s my reminder to myself of the magic and medicine, in communicating through the body.
Tuning into our innate body-wisdom and sacred intelligence.
(Photo by Kazuo Ota, on Unsplash)